Thursday, November 26, 2020

Year 4 presentation!

 On Tuesday the year 6's went to the orientation day and the year 4' s came into the HUB 😚. 

Mr S picked a year 4 so we can show them around and tell them the rules . 

Me and Sophie Foss were buddy's and we had Pippa Brown as our year 4. 

At the start you could choose to have a buddy or do it single, I had a buddy we made a slide show about all of the rules around the HUB so she could understand more. 

One of our tasks was to explain to the year 4´s how to play dodge ball because we were going to have a game with them after.  

After we showed Pippa what and what not to do we played a Kahoot, We made a kahoot about the values and the rules to see if she had listened. 

Once we finished that we played a game of  Dodge Ball⭐!!!

First it was year 5 girls and year 4 boys vs the year 5 boys and the year 4 girls. 

The first score was 2/1 to the first team. 

The next round we played was boys vs girls, the score was 2/1 to the boys ( the girls got to choose some boys because it was uneven. 

Once we played that the year 4´ s  it was time for them to play swimming. 

By Jade Hopper 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Here is my Waterfall Poem.


The sun beamed across the golden flowing waterfall, as It poured down. 

The trees look like a meadow of poppies, opening in the sun. 

The water gently flowed down and crashed the stunning water as it hit the bottom exploding into bubbles. 

As the sun hit the waterfall it would already be running down. 

The water was falling down into a pit of bubbles. 

As I Jumped in I could smell the fresh air spreading around me. 

The fiery red trees were swaying to the beautiful sound of the birds chirping and the leaves hitting the ground. 

The waterfall is a golden swaying gown. 

The Rosey red trees were like nature’s blanket of pedals.

As the waterfall hit the bottom it boomed out a groundbreaking echo!

Jade 2020


Tuesday, September 22, 2020


T-shirts. Heres how we made these spectacular pieces of art... we got the paper tshirts and outlined all the things about us, next we filled it with bright and beautiful colors and made it look amazing!! Then we baked it with all the rainbow colors. I really liked doing them with mrs McPhail I loved doing it.

Art week, plaster of paris

This is my tile we made with Mr S, heres how we made it... First we got an icecream container and put sand and flatend that out, then we found shapes and letters and some of us put our initials on them. once we finished that mr S poured quick dry cement in and then we let it dry. Later on that week some people spray painted them and we got to paint them all different bright colors. It was a amazing experience I absolutely loved it!!!

Monday, September 14, 2020

The Trouble In The Underwater City!

“The Trouble in the underwater city!” The year 3000 the next generation in the underwater city. The identical twins Jim and Jimmy wore the same tracksuits so they stood out in the trial, but sadly they couldn’t be in the same football teams. So they started fighting like 2 cobras in a box. The twins Jim and Jimmy called the magical kunekune and his pet cobra called Minnie to help solve the problem. They talked to the football coach, but he wasn’t listening he was just stuffing his face with an unbelievable spicy taco. The kunekune solved the problem by making 2 football teams can be together. The football coach offered the kunekune a spicy taco he was about to say no but he said “It will be my pleasure!!!” he chuckled. The football coach replied saying ‘ will go ahead and take as many as you…”The kunekune grabbed as many as he could and ate them as fast as a cheetah chasing a zebra, but as soon as he finished he remembered and YELPED “THE TACOS ARE SPICY'' “ Ya I told you they were spicy did you forget?” “YES!!!!!!!!!!!” The kunekune screeched with a burning hot tough. The kunekune started to feel dizzier and dizzier, then he fell to the ground and sad to say the kunekune died, so the cobra sang “ The KuneKune died so the cobra cried” Then all of a sudden an evil, mysterious witch came along and shouted “WHO IS singing that?” screamed the witch. So the evil Witch locked the crying cobra up in a tight chain box and kept the cobra in her dungeon, while he was starving and thirsty as ever. You could just hardly hear the cobra singing this “ The KuneKune died so the cobra cried the evil Witch locked the cobra up to shut him up” He kept on singing that until the cobra fell fast asleep dreaming about the kunekune coming back to life... “

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 Today in class we have been learning about what confidence is and what it is not. 
First, we watched a clip of Bryan and bobby and they taught us what confidence is. 

We got into groups of three and four and discussed what it is  

I think confidence is... Standing up for people AKA bullies, Being yourself and persevering, being happy of what you look like, and not changing what you look like so your friends will like you, Being able to help people if they are in trouble, and being an upstander, having faith in yourself and being able to share your feelings with other people 

I think confidence is not... Not being a bystander, Thinking everything you do is wrong, not being yourself and you cannot talk about your feelings. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Space Explorers vs the galaxy

 This is my game called Space Explorer I made in lockdown at Tonui Collab. I was working on it for about seven weeks. I really liked it because you were able to use your imagination to create the characters. You have to defend the spaceships and collect the lives, try to beat my high score 300! 

If you click on the picture it will take you to my game :)