Monday, May 24, 2021

Here is my procedural writing: how to look after my cat Rosa.

 Writing Lesson May 17th - Procedural writing. 

Pet Sitting

Purpose: To write instructions for a pet-sitter. 

My Writing goal is: My goal is to add a hook in the beginning. 

Success Criteria 



Striving for excellence

  • Say my sentences before writing

  • Leave spaces between words

  • Write all the sounds I can hear in words

  • Write a title

  • List the equipment

  • Write clear instructions

  • Write a title.

  • List the equipment

  • Write clear instructions which explain exactly

  • what to do and when. 

  • Use precise vocabulary.

How to look after Rosa. 

Here's how to look after my cute fluffy, feisty fluff ball cat called Rosa. 

Equipment and material needed: 

1 Cat food. 

2 Water.

3 Bowl.

4 Brush. 

5 Sashay.

6 Cat litter.

  1. Firstly try to find Rosa and make sure she is ok ( she is probably lying in the sun on the tiles asleep), once you find her, get the gray cat brush and lightly brush all the loose fur off of her. 

  2. Once you have done that fill 1 of the little bowls on her yellow food bowl up to the top,the nuts will be up on the top white shelf,  while she is eating if her water bowl isn't full enough tip the old water down the sink and fill it up ⅞ of the way with refreshing cold water so it can lasts her for a couple of days. 

  3. While she finishes her nuts you can give her a sashay which is found in the long white cupboard, she likes every flavor in the box so don't be worried if she won't like it. 

  4. If the cat litter has been used for 2-4 days, scoop out the old litter and pour it in the bin, once you have done that refill the box ½ of the way with the lavender colored litter which is located in the white cupboard (where the sashays are.)

  5. Some nights she might have a cat fight so in the morning check if she has any scratches and make sure she is still happy, if she isn't make sure the cat/dog is not still on the property.

  6. Thats it have fun!