Thursday, November 26, 2020

Year 4 presentation!

 On Tuesday the year 6's went to the orientation day and the year 4' s came into the HUB 😚. 

Mr S picked a year 4 so we can show them around and tell them the rules . 

Me and Sophie Foss were buddy's and we had Pippa Brown as our year 4. 

At the start you could choose to have a buddy or do it single, I had a buddy we made a slide show about all of the rules around the HUB so she could understand more. 

One of our tasks was to explain to the year 4´s how to play dodge ball because we were going to have a game with them after.  

After we showed Pippa what and what not to do we played a Kahoot, We made a kahoot about the values and the rules to see if she had listened. 

Once we finished that we played a game of  Dodge Ball⭐!!!

First it was year 5 girls and year 4 boys vs the year 5 boys and the year 4 girls. 

The first score was 2/1 to the first team. 

The next round we played was boys vs girls, the score was 2/1 to the boys ( the girls got to choose some boys because it was uneven. 

Once we played that the year 4´ s  it was time for them to play swimming. 

By Jade Hopper 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Here is my Waterfall Poem.


The sun beamed across the golden flowing waterfall, as It poured down. 

The trees look like a meadow of poppies, opening in the sun. 

The water gently flowed down and crashed the stunning water as it hit the bottom exploding into bubbles. 

As the sun hit the waterfall it would already be running down. 

The water was falling down into a pit of bubbles. 

As I Jumped in I could smell the fresh air spreading around me. 

The fiery red trees were swaying to the beautiful sound of the birds chirping and the leaves hitting the ground. 

The waterfall is a golden swaying gown. 

The Rosey red trees were like nature’s blanket of pedals.

As the waterfall hit the bottom it boomed out a groundbreaking echo!

Jade 2020